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Article date: 2023-05-09T11:36:47.935Z

Metrication of the angles (fc)

I respect the effort of the metric system, but it is not quite done...

Many people think that the metric system is alright. I am one of those. It is also known as the International System of Units (called the SI units - the modern form of the metric system). Unusually, exceptional Americans didn’t fully adopt it. Yet.

I like very much the Metric (SI) Prefixes: mega, giga, kilo, milli, micro,…
They work fine because of the decimal numeral system. We just move the decimal point to the left or right of the numerals. Everything else stays the same. Easy.

Except for ….

The coherent metric (SI) unit for angles is the radian. There are 2π radians in 360°. The SI Brochure also allows the use of degrees (or degrees, minutes, seconds) with the SI, although they are not SI units. There is also a unit called the gradian (usually abbreviated grad) where 400 grads = 360°.

Confusing? Yes. It is just terrible. Try to calculate anything with this. It is a nightmare.

New SI unit “fc” - full circle

I propose to use the full circle as a unit of measurement, abbreviated to fc. Easy.
Then we use mfc as “milli full circle” for measuring the angles. It is a thousandth of a circle. For example:

90° = 0,5π rad = 250 mfc = 0,25 fc
180° = π rad = 500 mfc = 0,5 fc
360° = 2π rad = 1000 mfc = 1 fc

Isn’t that fantastic and super easy to understand and calculate?

For true physics calculations where we usually use radians, we can easily say

1 fc = 2π

And all the formulas and calculations stay the same.

We can use other prefixes where needed, for example, a millionth of a full circle µfc. This could be used for geography coordinates, they are just angles.

A day is just a circle

A day is an average time period of a full rotation of the Earth with respect to the Sun. There are many subtle differences between true astronomy and the average we use in our day-to-day life. Usually, a day has 86,400 seconds, but sometimes we have a leap second because “nature is not perfect”.

The horrible units of hours, minutes, and seconds are impossible to use in any calculation. They are so archaic that hurts.

I propose we just use the “day” as a SI Unit, abbreviated to d. Then we have “milli day” md as something close to a minute. In everyday life, we don’t need anything else.

1000 md = 1 d = 24 H
500 md = 0,5 d = 12 H
50 md = 0,05 d = 1,2 H = 1H 12 minutes
10 md = 0,01 d = 0,24 H = 14,4 minutes
1 md = 0,001 d = 0,024 H = 1,44 minutes (close enough to a minute)

For sports and physics, we need something smaller. We can use the “micro day”, it is one-millionth of the day.

1000 µd = 1 md = 1,44 minutes = 86,4 seconds
10 µd = 0,864 seconds (close enough to a second)
1 µd = 0,0864 seconds

Nobody listens

I didn’t yet find a place where somebody would listen to what I have to say about this. So I must relieve my chest by writing it in my substack.

open-source and free as a beer

My open-source projects are free as a beer (MIT license).
I just love programming.
But I need also to drink. If you find my projects and tutorials helpful, please buy me a beer by donating to my PayPal.
You know the price of a beer in your local bar ;-) So I can drink a free beer for your health :-)

Na zdravje! Alla salute! Prost! Nazdravlje! 🍻
